Live Inclusion Out Loud
Partner with us to diversify and train your workforce, create an inclusive community, and support our cause. We work with 100+ highly satisfied community partners throughout the state of California.

Staffing Solutions
Employing individuals with I/DD is proven to increase employee retention customer loyalty and positively impact your bottom line. We match adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with work experiences that best fit their skills and abilities and meet your staffing needs. You can work with those we serve permanently or temporarily with multiple service opportunities.
We serve as your inclusivity expert, providing technical aspects such as onboarding assistance and job coaching as needed to support each staffing placement.

Work with those we serve in temporary internships so they can gain professional experience. With up to 1,040 hours in the same position, each internship will be paired with a Job Coach to provide on-site support.

Student & Adult Work Services
Students Age: 16-22 | Adults Age: 21+
Work with those we serve where we remain the employer of record, paying their salary up to 3 months or 100 hours (whichever comes first). We remain responsible for all liability of those we serve, so your organization can rest assured that everything is covered.

Workforce Training
Our diversity and inclusivity experts provide your employees with training, guidance, and best practices to ensure your workplace can support and sustain the success of individuals with I/DD in your workforce.